Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Please cancel my subscription to your issues.Hats and horns to blow, love and hate, for a father, not a saint, tales of who was on top.

 'And all the naughty stoners shall receive a lump of resin'.You want to trade fun for party favor? Cattle calls, pigs and hogs, Jewish whale on land. Steven Jay Jarrot. Nice guy 58 white love giving oral and can trade you for fun. In Montclair now. One Way, One View, Ace Out, Black Notes.'


Thanks for the words in waves, have a few of my own to share, right, wrong, good, bad and ugly, history create, he who write the stories rules. 'I can't be controlled. So all want want is someone who can watch me do my thing and say "that's my baby"' . To Dream Lives, Hands In The Air, Thanks Johnny Depp. Bitches, babes, cheaters, crooks, liars, dances with nuts, freaks, frogs, good time toads, plenty of fish in the seas.

Love, Lights, Lessons, Leader Of The Pack, Daddy Is Home, Walter Richard Bailey, Jr, Jack Bailey, Bill Bailey, names and labels, known and unknown.Let your enemies TALK...‬Let your enemies FOLLOW...‬Let your enemies PLOT...‬‪They Will Destroy Themselves In The Process. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."

To Dream Lives, Hands In The Air, Thanks Johnny Depp. Bitches, babes, cheaters, crooks, liars, dances with nuts, freaks, frogs, good time toads, plenty of fish in the seas.'TAKE ME AS IAM OR WATCH AS 1' Apples?Snake In Grass. Cheap Tricks, Allstate Pays Well. And that show I feel. It's all just crap.Good morning!!!! '"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." ~Voltaire'.United States right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments,lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water. One Way, One View, Ace Out, Black Notes.'Please cancel my subscription to your issues.'PARTIAL ARTS'.HIT the Road "JACK"!Face with symbols over mouth You STINK!Happiness Is A Option: Cons And Pros, Coins To Flip, Glory Dazes To Come. 3 Hard Knocks: Schools, Classes, Lessons Learned: Dates: "People follow leaders by choice.Do not be fooled .Delightfully Feisty ~Hands On: Babes, beaches,glory dazes. Apples?Snake In Grass. Cheap Tricks, Allstate Pays Well. And that show I feel. It's all just crap.Good morning!!!! Walter O'Brien is an Irish businessman and information technologist. He was also the executive producer and loose inspiration of the television series Scorpion. He is known for various self-reported claims, including a childhood IQ of 197, which have been scrutinized and remain unproven. Walter O'Brien (Scorpion) - Wikipedia.'I can't be controlled. So all want want is someone who can watch me do my thing and say "that's my baby"' Thanks for the words in waves, have a few of my own to share, right, wrong, good, bad and ugly, history create, he who write the stories rules. https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Walter_O'Brien_(Scor... Walter O'Brien is the fictional lead character in the American drama television series, Scorpion. ... The character is inspired by the Irish businessman and ... Thanks for the words in waves, have a few of my own to share, right, wrong, good, bad and ugly, history create, he who write the stories rules. 'I can't be controlled. So all want want is someone who can watch me do my thing and say "that's my baby"' 'I can't be controlled. So all want want is someone who can watch me do my thing and say "that's my baby"' Thanks for the words in waves, have a few of my own to share, right, wrong, good, bad and ugly, history create, he who write the stories rules. Dust in the end, lucky breaks, pigs, hogs, hoes, r oles to play, hats to wear, in and out of time, lost in space, houses, homes, men and mice, cartoon hits for decades. EXP Realty of California -The US Is the World Leader in Bio-Weapons Research, Production, and Use Against Mankind.Plans for how to get more money out of the current insurance claim, and plans on what that payday will buy, and how far it can go has to be considered as well.

Please cancel my subscription to your issues.Hats and horns to blow, love and hate, for a father, not a saint, tales of who was on top. Games of balls to toss in the air, games and cards on the tables, jacks and balls in the dirt, games of boys, games to play.The Twilight Zone!I'm out! 

Please cancel my subscription to your issues.Hats and horns to blow, love and hate, for a father, not a saint, tales of who was on top. Everything’s going to be okay. I will get through this. I will take a deep breath. I will think of solutions. I will not let my worries control me.

ONTHEROADAGAINHEADSTOCOUNTNUTSTOGROW.BLOGSPOT.COM Suck fast, they'r re getting the slippers'.Is Not Christmas,This Is How We Do ... Lots of interest in so many things, blue ,read, and right.

Batteries included with dolls dancing in the nights, seas of frogs and snakes, dancing in the dark. Classes on the beach, herds of whales, dens of snakes, dances on the beach. Green cash, green luck, green backs, rewards and bonus on acts and wishes, dreams in.

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