Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Happy notes, happy songs, happy feet to dance away. Birds blue, birds black, songs to sing, horns to blow, music in dogwood trees.

 Nice guy 58 white love giving oral and can trade you for fun. In Montclair now. Text 760-851-2267. KINGS, KNIGHTS, LEADERS OF THE BAND, HANDS TO HOLD, WHILE WE CLIMB THIS MOUNTAIN Together. Black, Rite, Read, Clowns, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Cattle Drives, Rats To Roaches, Faces In The Herds, Jackasses All Day Long.What panties go best with I don’t give a fuck anymore.

Happy notes, happy songs, happy feet to dance away. Birds blue, birds black, songs to sing, horns to blow, music in dogwood trees. Time to stand, time to shine, monkeys swingers hopes and desires. 

Dreams of tomorrow, it could happen:YOU MAKE ME HAPPY AND LAUGH AND SMILE AND THAT HELPS COPE WITH MY MENTAL HEALTH SO THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU FOR THAT.Every mind is its own world. It’s all about perception. You create your own reality because, in your world, it is of importance. Please Join The Revolution of Love! Stay Tuned! " Living Large, 5151: 50.

Happy notes, happy songs, happy feet to dance away. Birds blue, birds black, songs to sing, horns to blow, music in dogwood trees. 

 Nice guy 58 white love giving oral and can trade you for fun. In Montclair now. Text 760-851-2267. KINGS, KNIGHTS, LEADERS OF THE BAND, HANDS TO HOLD, WHILE WE CLIMB THIS MOUNTAIN Together. Black, Rite, Read, Clowns, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Cattle Drives, Rats To Roaches, Faces In The Herds, Jackasses All Day Long.What panties go best with I don’t give a fuck anymore.

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